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Relationships are a Leader's main currency. These relationships are what allows us to accomplish goals, make the right connections, and influence decision-making. It's this network, or Power Base, that enables Leaders to succeed. Learning how to leverage and strengthen your Power Base is a learned skill that needs to be continuously refined as we progress in our career.

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Why Your
Power Base Is Important

A strong network can provide three critical things to your career.


They make things happen.

These individuals are the ones who help you accomplish the required work and tasks throughout your days. They have direct influence on your work and can either help accelerate or be a barrier in the process. Having positive relationships with those who also have a strong level of power or influence can help with gaining approvals for things like additional resources, increased budget, and access to other key players.


They provide hidden opportunities.

Because of these relationships, you are exposed to new opportunities before they're publicly known. This access to hidden opportunities can provide better and more exciting positions.


They provide access to information.

Having strong relationships with the right people can provide access to resources and information that others don’t have. This will help you be more prepared for upcoming challenges and opportunities, increasing your chances of success.

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Evaluate your current network and relationships and assess your relationship management skills. Create a clear image of a strong professional connection.

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Identify the key relationships that matter and evaluate the current health of each relationship, their power of influence on your work and reputation, and their proximity to your current role.

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Follow a systematic approach to strengthen each relationship by understanding each individual, assess the details of interaction, and develop and action plan to strengthen the connection.

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Design a future Power Base that is intentional and strategic, one that provides career opportunities that meets your goals and aspirations.

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